One Of Our Specialties.
Water treatment is a vital process that involves purifying and cleansing water to make it safe for various uses, such as drinking, industrial processes, and more. This multi-stage procedure involves the removal of contaminants, particles, and harmful microorganisms from raw water sources. Through processes like coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, and pH adjustment, water treatment facilities ensure that water meets quality standards before it’s distributed for consumption and other applications. By eliminating impurities and safeguarding public health, water treatment plays a crucial role in maintaining a clean and safe water supply for communities and industries alike.
Our first ever successful water treatment is located in Tapaz, Panay Island. It also supports the water distribution line installed by us as well. Therefore making the six million liters a day of potable water for everyone.

Our first ever successful water treatment is located in Tapaz, Panay Island. It also supports the water distribution line installed by us as well. Therefore making the six million liters a day of potable water for everyone.

With Tapaz and Dulag as our starting points, we aim to create more water treatment plants to areas where potable water is needed than ever.